Main areas of concentration of the company has been the u.s gulf, black sea, mediterranean, continent and the caribbean. over the years we have worked with many major and small companies as our principals providing them with tonnage and or cargo for their specific requirements. as expected we are in direct contact and / or work closely with most usa principals as well as international trade houses, charterers and ship owners. some of them are listed below:
ace – dk cargo sourcing: we can source various grains, grain products: wheat, soybeans, grain by-products: soybean meal, ddgs, pke, salt,bariyte and various other commodities and arrange shipment and logistics to deliver them to destinations. please inquire for further details. representation: atlas marine services co – egypt for suez canal and all egyptian ports Flagship Ship Agencies Inc-Izmir, Turkey if you have any requests for port info or proforma d/a’s we will be pleased to assist.